Mucciarelli, A.A.Mucciarelli0000-0001-5870-3735Dalessandro, EmanueleEmanueleDalessandro0000-0003-4237-4601Massari, D.D.Massari0000-0001-8200-810XBELLAZZINI, MicheleMicheleBELLAZZINIFerraro, F. R.F. R.FerraroLanzoni, B.B.LanzoniLardo, C.C.LardoSalaris, M.M.SalarisCASSISI, SantiSantiCASSISI2020-07-072020-07-072016 total of 219 stars have been selected along the RGB and the red horizontal branch (RHB) from the ACS@HST and WFI@2.2m ESO catalogs presented in Paper I (Dalessandro et al. 2014ApJ...791L...4D). <P />The observations have been performed with the multiplex facility FLAMES@ESO-VLT in the UVES+GIRAFFE combined mode (PID:093.D-0618, PI:Dalessandro). The employed gratings are the UVES Red Arm CD#3 580, which covers the spectral range between ~4800 and ~6800Å with a spectral resolution of ~45000, and the GIRAFFE setups HR11 (5597-5840Å and R~24000) and HR13 (6120-6405Å and R~22000). (1 data file).enVizieR Online Data Catalog: Abundances of NGC 6362 member stars (Mucciarelli+, 2016)Database - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICAERC sectors::Physical Sciences and Engineering::PE9 Universe sciences: astro-physics/chemistry/biology; solar systems; stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, planetary systems, cosmology, space science, instrumentation