Morando, FedericoFedericoMorandoSCHIAVONE, LuisaLuisaSCHIAVONE0000-0003-2929-3727CoBis Communication Working Group2019-09-022019-09-022018978-2-7598-9054-52101-6275 CoBiS is a network formed by 65 libraries. The project is a pilot for Piedmont that is aiming to provide the Committee with an infrastructure for LOD publishing, thus creating a triplification pipeline designed to be easy to automate and replicate. This is being realized with open source technologies, such as the RML mapping language or the JARQL tool that uses Linked Data to describe the conversion of XML, JSON or tabular data into RDF. The first challenge consisted in making possible the dialog of heterogeneous data sources, coming from four different library software (Clavis, Erasmo, SBNWeb and BIBLIOWin 5.0web) and different types of data (bibliographic, multimedia, and archival). The information contained in the catalogs is progressively interlinked with external data sources, such as Wikidata, VIAF, LoC and BNF authority files, Wikipedia and the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Partners of the CoBiS LOD Project are: National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), Turin Academy of Sciences, Olivetti Historical Archives Association, Alpine Club National Library, Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria, National Institute for Metrological Research (INRIM). The technical realization of the project is entrusted to Synapta, and it is partially sponsored by Piedmont Region.ELETTRONICOenThe CoBiS Linked Open Data Project and PortalConference poster10.1051/epjconf/201818612013