TERENZI, LUCALUCATERENZI0000-0001-9915-6379P. CazzolaCUTTAIA, FRANCESCOFRANCESCOCUTTAIA0000-0001-6608-5017VALENZIANO, LucaLucaVALENZIANO0000-0002-1170-01042023-02-202023-02-202002http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12386/33585Purpose of the Planck-LFI 4KRL is to provide a stable reference signal to the LFI radiometers. It is fully described in RD 1. Purpose of the instrument described in this note is to provide a test facility for the 4KRL unit. Purpose of this document is to describe the general characteristics and performance of this facility.ELETTRONICOenThe 4KRL cryo facilityResearch reportFIS/05 - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICA