FINESCHI, SilvanoSilvanoFINESCHI0000-0002-2789-816XFennelly, JudyJudyFennelly2020-04-282020-04-2820159781628417708 v Authors vii Conference Committee SESSION 1 SPACE WEATHER 9604 02 SSUSI-Lite: a far-ultraviolet hyper-spectral imager for space weather remote sensing (Invited Paper) [9604-1] 9604 03 Stellar calibration of the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) on the DMSP spacecraft [9604-2] 9604 04 WINCS on-orbit performance results [9604-3] 9604 05 Proton-Electron Discrimination Detector (PEDD) for space weather monitoring [9604-5] SESSION 2 ADVANCED SOLAR OPTICS 9604 07 Study of solar wind ions implantation effects in optical coatings in view of Solar Orbiter space mission operation [9604-17] 9604 08 Investigation of contamination of thin-film aluminum filters by MMH-NTO plumes exposed to UV radiation [9604-25] SESSION 3 PROBA-3 FORMATION FLYING 9604 0A Design status of ASPIICS, an externally occulted coronagraph for PROBA-3 [9604-8] 9604 0B Design and modelisation of ASPIICS optics [9604-7] 9604 0C The Shadow Positioning Sensors (SPS) for formation flying metrology on-board the ESA-PROBA3 mission [9604-9] 9604 0D Formation flying metrology for the ESA-PROBA3 mission: the Shadow Position Sensors (SPS) silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) readout electronics [9604-10] 9604 0E Significance of the occulter diffraction for the PROBA3/ASPIICS formation flight metrology [9604-11] iii Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9604 960401-3 Downloaded From: on 19 Apr 2020 Terms of Use: SESSION 4 SOLAR ORBITER MISSION 9604 0G The extreme UV imager telescope on-board the Solar Orbiter mission: overview of phase C and D [9604-13] 9604 0H The extreme ultraviolet imager of solar orbiter: optical design and alignment scheme [9604-14] 9604 0K Stray-light analyses of the METIS coronagraph on Solar Orbiter [9604-29] SESSION 5 FUTURE SOLAR MISSIONS 9604 0P EUV multilayer coatings for solar imaging and spectroscopy [9604-24] 9604 0R Coronal and heliospheric imagers for solar wind phenomena [9604-20] 9604 0S The Bragg solar x-ray spectrometer SolpeX [9604-22] 9604 0T ASO-S: Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory [9604-21] POSTER SESSION 9604 0V Illumination system in visible light with variable solar-divergence for the solar orbiter METIS coronagraph [9604-31] ivSTAMPAenSolar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation VIBook/Conference editing10.1117/12.2218586 - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICAScienze Fisiche Settori ERC (ERC) di riferimento::PE9 Universe sciences: astro-physics/chemistry/biology; solar systems; stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, planetary systems, cosmology, space science, instrumentation