BRAND, JANJANBRAND0000-0003-1615-9043Felli, M.M.FelliCESARONI, RiccardoRiccardoCESARONI0000-0002-2430-5103CODELLA, CLAUDIOCLAUDIOCODELLA0000-0003-1514-3074COMORETTO, GiovanniGiovanniCOMORETTO0000-0002-5461-5962Di Franco, S.S.Di FrancoMASSI, FabrizioFabrizioMASSI0000-0001-6407-8032MOSCADELLI, LucaLucaMOSCADELLI0000-0002-8517-8881NESTI, RenzoRenzoNESTI0000-0003-0303-839XOLMI, LUCALUCAOLMI0000-0002-1162-7947Palagi, F.F.PalagiPalla, F.F.PallaPANELLA, DarioDarioPANELLA0000-0001-7554-2056Valdettaro, R.R.Valdettaro2022-12-272022-12-272007978-0521-87464-91743-9213 Arcetri/Bologna H<SUB>2</SUB>O maser group has been monitoring the 1.3-cm water maser emission from a sample of 43 star-forming regions (SFRs) and 22 late-type stars for about 20 years at a sampling rate of 4-5 observations each year, using the 32-m Medicina Radio Telescope (HPBW 1.‧9 at 22 GHz). For the late-type stars we observe representative samples of OH/IR-stars, Mira's, semi-regular variables, and supergiants. The SFR-sample spans a large interval in FIR luminosity of the associated Young Stellar Object (YSO), from 20 L<SUB></SUB> to 1.5 × 10<SUP>6</SUP> L<SUB></SUB>, and offers a unique data base for the study of the long-term (years) variability of the maser emission in regions of star formation. <P />This presentation concerns only the masers in SFRs. The information obtained from single-dish monitoring is complementary to what is extracted from higher-resolution (VLA and VLBI) observations, and can better explore the velocity domain and the long-term variability therein. <P />We characterize the variability of the sources in various ways and we study how it depends on the luminosity and other properties of the associated YSO and its environment.ELETTRONICOenA 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescopeConference paper10.1017/S17439213070130142-s2.0-38849111867 - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICA