DELLA CORTE, VINCENZOVINCENZODELLA CORTE0000-0001-6461-5803ZUSI, MICHELEMICHELEZUSI0000-0002-6814-1446PALUMBO, PASQUALEPASQUALEPALUMBO0000-0003-2323-9228Baroni, M.M.BaroniFicai Veltroni, I.I.Ficai VeltroniFlamini, E.E.FlaminiMugnuolo, R.R.Mugnuolo2020-06-112020-06-112015 (High Resolution Imaging Channel) is the high resolution channel of the SIMBIO-SYS instrument on- board the ESA BepiColombo Mission. Calibration activities were performed at SelexES premises in spring- summer 2014 in order to check for Channel performances (radiometric performances, quality image and geometrical performances) and to obtain data necessary to setup a calibration pipeline necessary to process the raw images acquired by the channel when in operative scenario.ELETTRONICOenCalibration activities on the BepiColombo High-Resolution Channel (HRIC) of SIMBIO-SYS instrumentConference abstract - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICA