DI CARLO, MatteoMatteoDI CARLO0000-0002-3903-9637DOLCI, MauroMauroDOLCI0000-0001-8000-5642SMAREGLIA, RiccardoRiccardoSMAREGLIA0000-0001-9363-3007Swart, P. S.P. S.Swartle Roux, G. M.G. M.le Roux2020-04-072020-04-072015978-3-95450-148-9http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12386/23888The SKA Telescope Manager (SKA. TM) is a distributed software application aimed to control the operation of thousands of radio telescopes, antennas and auxiliary systems (e.g. infrastructures, signal processors, …) which will compose the Square Kilometre Array, the world's largest radio astronomy facility currently under development. SKA. TM, as an "element" of the SKA, is composed in turn by a set of sub-elements whose tight coordination is ensured by a specific sub-element called "Local Monitoring and Control" (TM.LMC). TM.LMC is mainly focussed on the life cycle management of TM, the acquisition of every network-related information useful to understand how TM is performing and the logging library for both online and offline sub-elements. Given the high complexity of the system, identifying the origin of an issue, as soon as a problem occurs, appears to be a hard task. To allow a prompt diagnostics analysis by engineers, operators and software developers, a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) approach is proposed and described for the logging service.ELETTRONICOenLocal Monitoring and Control System for the SKA Telescope Manager: A Knowledge-Based System Approach for Issues Identification Within a Logging ServiceConference poster10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-WEPGF097http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/ICALEPCS2015/FIS/05 - ASTRONOMIA E ASTROFISICA